Justin Bieber Bag 2

Heyy readers :))
See many people reading "Justin Bieber Bag 1" i wanna talking much about justin :))
Sorry yah kali ini ga pake gambar..
Udah pada tau kan bionya justin!! If you're Belieber you dont wanna missed single day without reading @justinbieber tweets..
Justin bieber udah ngeluarin movie loh!! Judulnya "NEVER SAY NEVER" IN 3D
Film ini udah di lucurin perdana di USA pas 11 February, kalau yang tinggal di USA beruntung banget yah kalian :')
Untuk kepastian film ini akan tayang Worldwide nya belum ada but make Never Say Never worldwide!! :)))
Bahkan sebelum premiere film ini Justin udah bagiin Purple Sunglasses buat Belieber US + Canada :) But once again it was limited edition and it wasnt worldwide :(
Tapi buat para Belieber sejati Indonesia nih, #sekedarinfo
Justin Bieber bakalan konser di Sentul bulan April, harga tiketnya mulai dari 400rb - 1 jt *ga tau deh masih ada apa engga*
Sayangnya im not going to watch him :((((
Umm kalau ada waktu, gue bakal bahas Justin Bieber deh..
Thanks for reading :)


Who knows about LOVE?
When you ask me, i'll answer LOVE is the best feeling make your life changing.. <3
Who already falling in love with somebody? Everybody does!! ;D
Life is hard, love can make that easy..
If you dont falling in love, you're serious person type.. Nah!! You just need take a spare time for love =)
Do you believe in TRUE LOVE?
True love is only on Fairytale story, is that true? Everybody wants their true love, handsome prince with a white horse come along with rose and start singing:D or maybe just ordinary boy who accept us no matter we're..
Until now True Love is still become a big question cuz many people divorced, break up, hating each other.. Thats proved TRUE LOVE just a fairy tale story and only on our imagination..
Dont giving up
Dont stop believing
Dont stop dreaming
Anything is possible in this world :)
#Neversaynever :)
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