Dear Blog,

You wont believe it what happen with me these last weeks, it was tottaly horrible -__-
I need to get rest, im not a super human.. The tasks are sooo crazyy it make me stressed out..

Kinda confused with my feeling now, i feel alone.. I need someone who always being there for me........

Yah hari ini tanggal 31 Agustus 2012 gue cukup bahagia :') Eh bukan bahagia tapi seneng.. :3 Di SMAN 8 Tangerang hari ini ulangan kimia *ga yakin sama hasilnya tapi Bismillah gak di remed, AMIN!* Di sman 8 tangerang kalau kamis jumat behhhhh XI IPA 3 pelajarannya lumayan nyateee~~~~~

Hari ini gue di beliin Nasi Goreng sama Yuli, oh iya.. Gue kerumah Yuli hari ini bersama anak-anak lucu nan kocak nan girang nan..... pinter diantaranya Syifa, Wita, Feny, Erda, dan Shopiiiiiii
Niatnya sih pengen ngerjain sejarah... Tapi emang dasarnya capek... Kita tetep kerja kelompok kok :')))))) Tapi bukan sejarah hahaha yaitu BERKELOMPOK DALAM MAKAN.. Cukup seru, di awali dengan kucing berbulu abu - abu nan gemuk milik yuli dan diakhiri dengan pamitan :33

Love Me
The Writers ;)

Bruno Mars - Move On

I present this song for someone who have done alot things for me in Sman 8 Tangerang.. I just wanna say Thank you..

Bruno Mars - Move On

(whooo whoooo)

How do I end up in the same old place,
faced again with the same mistakes,
so stubborn thinkin I know what is right,
but life proves me wrong everytime,
takin roads that lead me nowhere,
how do I expect to get there,
but when will I learn to just put you first.

I come to you now when I need you,
but why do I wait to come see you,
I always try to do this on my own but I was wrong cause only with you can I move on. Can I move on.


When I am weak it's you that makes
me strong,
and I know that you've been with me all along,
so many times I begin to close my eyes and listen to my heart,
with you life is so easy why do I
make it hard,
oh takin roads that lead me nowhere how do I expect to get there when will I Learn to just put you first.

I come to you now when I need you,
but why do I wait to come see you,
I always try to do this on my own but I was wrong cause only with you can I move on.

I get out of my own way, let you have your way.
Cause I realize Im no good on my own,
I'm there for you, I'll settle for you
I can't live without you. Noooo

I come to you now when I need you, why do I wait to come see you,
I always try to do this on my own but I was wrong, I was wrong, I was wrong. With only you, only you, with only you. Can I move on, can I move on, can I move on, 

You can hear the song in here

I am going to University Indonesia

Wow baru kali ini loh gue pesen tiket sendiri bayar sendiri ;))) Baru pesen nih, gue excited dapet tiket yang IPA A.. Agak galau sih temen gue nih beneran ikut gak t('o't) Ntar gue ga ada temen kan ga lucu -__-

Jadi gue tuh pesen tiket BKUI 2013, it was my 3rd time to UI.. Bismillah masuk sana, amin *Aminin ya pembaca blog saya :3*

Gue tertarik sama penjelasan Fakultasnya.. Soalnya gue masih galau sama Fakultas yang akan gue masukin nanti.. 

Sedikit cerita nih ya.. BKUI itu acara tahunan yang di selenggrakan oleh kaka disana (Ga tau pastinya) dulu gue sempet baca gitu soal BKUI'12 tapi karena dulu acaranya berturut-turut dari sabtu minggu ga jadi deh pals  :( (SMAN 8 Tangerang sabtu masuk soalnya waktu itu)  Di acara BKUI itu bakalan ada penjelasan gitu deh soal fakultas - fakultas yang ada di sana beserta kelebihannya. Acara ini cukup lama loh dari jam 08.00 - 17.00.. Kalau mau ikut terus mau hemat mending bawa bekel dari rumah~ wehehe

Kalau mau pesen tiketnya mungkin masih ada, browsing aja di google, with "BKUI'13" keyword nya.. Atau bisa follow @BKUI13 *kok jadi promosi u,u* satu tiket Rp.29.000

Thanks for reading this postttt :"
Salam unyuuuu o:)

Logo Universitas Indonesia

Cute Items

I want them butttttt i guess i dont have enough money to buy them because i spent my money for unrational things while im Sman 8 Tangerang :( But i guess you have to see them!!! ;))

*Cute Pink Wedges

*Cute isn't?
*Sparkling headbands
*Beautiful prom dresses
*The cutest thing!! :3
Interested?? ;)

Happy Eid-ul-Fitr 1433 H ;)

Yay finnaly we reach our victory after our one month fasting.. In this fitr day i apologize for all my mistakes, let our heart clean in this holy day :3 Happy Eid-ul-Fitr everyone!! May Allah bless us ;)

Hijab with all creations

I love these all hijab creations, pengen bikin tapi ga ada ciput ninja~ Sebenernya bisa bikin pake ciput biasa tapi ga bisa beragam hehe.. Hijabnya keren - keren loh..

*Variasi hijab dengan ciput ninja*

*Variasi hijab tanpa ciput ninja*

Oh ya kemarin sempet ada lomba hijab di SMAN 8 Tangerang, cantik - cantik banget tapi gak punya fotonya..hehehe
What do you think about this post? Who wear it better? ;) 


Ketemu lagi sama gue haha.. Gue udah bisa dong masukin logo sekolah tinggal gimana masukin link blog anak - anak esthetic SMAN 8 Tangerang aja ;) Wish me luck :3

Ada yang baru loh

Alhamdulillah akhirnya masalah templates gue kelar meskipun serius itu absurd.. Oke, gue punya tugas buat ngepopulerin SMAN 8 Tangerang~ hahaha
Boleh kan cuma ngepost gini doang? Masih bingung soal templates.. Blog baru aneh *bilang aja gue ga ngerti* -_-
See you next time
Salam kece dari SMAN 8 Tangerang
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